Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Friday, June 10, 2005

Gone Again.

I hate to be jumping the gun a little bit here, but I'm pretty sure Sara has left again. Unbelievable. I can only think she let herself get too close. My last conversation with her was on the phone on Tuesday night. We had talked for a little while on a phonecard before it ran out. I drove around looking to buy a new one, but it seems the system that loads them with minutes was down. So I called her on my cellphone. A no-no for us. From what I remember, here was our last exchange of words.

Me: I miss you.
Her: *sigh* This is why I hate to talk to you on the phone.
Me: (thinking - ok, now what.)
Her: My panties always get soaked.
Me: Whats wrong with that?
Her: It's uncomfortable.
Me: *laughing*
Her: You have no idea how many times I had to change my panties just so my husband didn't notice how wet they are. Then I have no way of truly being satisfied from the urges you start in me.
Me: Well, you know I want to arrange for that to happen.
Her: I know. I know. How are you calling me?
Me: On my cellphone.
Her: *gasp* So now my number will be on your bill.
Me: Yes, but as long as we keep this short, it won't be noticed.
Her: Ok, then lets keep it short.
Me: I'll have a new phonecard by tomorrow, let me know when is a good time to call.
Her: Ok. Talk later

Guess it'll be much much later. It always seems to happen. Whenever I get that very warm comfortable feeling about us, she must get it as well. Only difference is that I'm ready to jump into the fire again, and she feels the need to run away from it. That's the story of us in a nutshell.

Nastya and I have come to a little better understanding of where our relationship is going. Because she has been married twice now - first husband was killed in the war, her second husband she classifies as pathetic - she does not have any plans to get married ever again. And to keep that from happening, she does not date anymore as well. And definately does not date married men. But I did find this comment she made to me to be very interesting. "Our friendship was set a while ago by me - you just didn't know that." She has asked me out to lunch today. With her being dateless for two years now, my mind just begs to ask the question about sex. Has she given that up as well? I'll let you know.


Blogger O said...

And we'll be dying to know!
saw your comment at Kayten's, BTW, and I agree.

2:34 PM  
Blogger beans said...

i'm not sure how i stumbled on to your blog but i've managed to read it all in about two hours.

i'm paddling in the same boat... emotions get the best of you and seem to rule your mental capacity.

i'm looking forward to more..

2:08 PM  

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