Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Friday, April 22, 2005

All's Well

She checked in last night. Didn't lock the account. And even sent a reply to an un-related question I had. So she seems cool with the break. I'm not sure how long I'll stay away. Probably determine that with the frequency she checks for email. Looking back at the email I left her, I'm thinking she might get the wrong message from it. As much as I miss her passionate side, I hope she doesn't conclude that that's the only side I want from her. As my previous post stated, its a crucial part, but so is the day to day banter. And for that reason I feel I need to make that clear to her somehow. But I'm not sure how. Since she seems to be checking voicemail again, I'll probably just leave it there.


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