Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

In Response

This post is prompted by the number of comments on my previous post in regards to Sara bringing her family to places that I gig at. First off, I love it when she does that. I find nothing disturbing about it. The simultaneous vacations idea was in response to a fantasy we had, but she realized the fantasy would be overshadowed by having to see me with my wife. Something she knows she could never handle. My bigger concern was that we would be too distracted with each other that we'd forget to have fun with our families. As far as Sara celebrating her anniversary with her husband at one of my gigs. I believe that was truly a coincidence that I was going to be there that night - although the chances were pretty good I would be. But knowing that, she made no attempt to change her plans, and only solidified them.

Neither of us are tormented in our family lives. We enjoy and cherish it. The torment only comes in when we ponder too long on the fact the we can't enjoy and cherish each other as much as we'd like. But you must realize this isn't a fantasy we choose to have with each other. It's very much reality. And our families are very much a big part of that reality. My feelings for her do not change one bit when I see her with her family. I guess in a way its an opportunity to see her in a 'family way', something I could never see otherwise. My love and desire for her is only heightened by that.


Blogger beautiful face said...

You are getting a lot of heat here!!

I would totally love to see D in public and pretend we don't know each other. I would be into that but he is too shy.

I once told him where I was going to be and he watched me from a distance. See the Atlanta entry.

I know it all sounds a little perverse but I would get a rush out of it.

1:01 AM  
Blogger do_in_it_2 said...

VM - I don't think I'm dragging Nastya into anything. She told me she does not 'date' married men, and as far as she knows (because I told her) I have no intention on cheating. What she doesn't know is that I mean cheating on Sara. Any relationship we grow into will be on that basis.

ggbp - I think the fact that I sleep with his wife, and give her the only orgasms she's ever had in her life, is already more of a 'knife twisting' in his back. If I/we don't care about that, why on earth should we care about him unknowningly seeing me?

bf - It is a rush, no doubt.

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright - now it's all clear. But I'm thinking you should change your tag line at the top of the blog, the one that says 'against my better judgment' - and call it instead 'and I'm loving it' or something!! I think you've pretty well got this all figured out, and when Sara's on board, and all other ducks are in their rows, I don't see that you have any doubts about this. --VM--

1:11 PM  
Blogger do_in_it_2 said...

Oh, VM, but I do do this against my better judgement. This is still risky business and the thought of ruining (or altering) my wife and childrens lives is something that weights very heavy on my mind.

1:24 PM  

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