Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

My Head is Spinning.

After leaving many emails yesterday trying to console her - I decided that today I'd lighten things up, and take a chance to see if I can get her juices flowing. What I left her went something like this:

i know what i promised, but i also know i'm going to slip up at times.

here is a slip up.

i want to hold you, kiss you, make love to you.

then fuck you, lick you, fuck you again. fuck you till you scream.

fuck you till we both orgasm.

then hold you again. feel your skin.

your warmth.

i want you to fall asleep in my arms.

then i'll wake you with a kiss and just gaze deep into your eyes.

i want to be with you. you're that amazing.

nothing in the world matters when i'm with you.

nothing in the world matters when we're together.

i know that might not happen tomorrow.

or next week. next month.

maybe not till next year, but i'll wait because

you're that awesome.

we're that awesome.

lets not forget how wonderful we feel when we're together.

talk to me.

Sara broke her silence. She left me a short voicemail and told me she has Friday completely free from early morning up until about noon. My guess is that her in-laws are taking the kids somewhere. She wants me to take it from there. As is the case the other times we meet up, she wants minimal communication beforehand. So my chances of gauging exactly where she's at will be difficult beforehand. The reason I need to know is because of the things she said to me yesterday. She made a comment during her long voicemail that sounded like she thinks that its only about the sex for me. I need to prove her wrong, but also need to make her realize how much that is a part of us. How the hell do I do that? Not have sex, but have sex. I'm thinking the answer is to make love, but that can't happen if we don't have a room. But getting a room will give her the preconceived notion that its all about the sex.


Blogger beans said...

don't get a room then...
without knowing what your location is like, meet up somewhere public - have a picnic packed - go somewhere shady and spend quality time together..
and i guess it wouldn't hurt if there was a hotel close by. you know.. just in case.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now. I have a question. During the "down time" periods with Sarah. The periods when you don't have communication (days/weeks) and you both have talked about ending your relationship. How do you handle it? Do you try to forget? Do you think its all for the best? I've noticed that one of you eventually come back and the cycle begins again. Just Curious.

1:28 PM  
Blogger beautiful face said...

No room but somewhere you can touch her, hold her hand, kiss her, talk to her, seduce her with your words.

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, isn't it "a lot" about sex? Like say, 85% or more? What else is all the risk & drama of an affair about? What is she thinking? It's about long term companionship? Growing old together? Buying a house together? Watching the sun set over a Hawaiian island?

1:31 AM  
Blogger do_in_it_2 said...

Anon#1 - of course we try to forget, but its impossible when it seems everything around us is a reminder of us. the last time Sara and I had a real heart to heart talk, we both confessed that there hasn't been a day since we met when we didn't wake up thinking of the other.

Anon#2 - each affair is different. if you can't tell, we are still very much in love with each other. the sex has been one of our ways to experience that love. i will agree with you that an affair should ONLY be about the sex. but i disagree that sex is the only thing worthy of the risk and drama associated with an affair.

beans & bf - Sara has left a message and said that she will feel most comfortable in a room. being out in public, so close to her home, would make her very anxious.

6:12 AM  

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