Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It's Set

She has now read my answer and everything is set for next Wednesday. There is a very good scenario that can come from this. If things go really well, and by that I mean she has no walls up, and we have our usual awesome sex, I CAN walk away. At least for a couple days. LOL. BUT. Then I leave for a Spring Break vacation to Florida and will be unable to leave her emails and voicemails. And this is the important part - She Does Not Know I'll Be Out of Town. So in affect, I will be gone for 10 days after our 'last' time. If this is really what she wants, she will at least experience it for 10 days. Just a note: I've never NOT left her any emails or voicemails. Ever. She has been the one that had to stay away. Now for the first time she will check and not find anything - for 10 days. By far the hardest days are the first weeks. We will be well on our way.

However. If she insists on setting out to prove to me that there is nothing between us, and there never was for a long time, it will get heated. I'll then proceed to tell her about my family vacation. And then watch her explain away why she gets upset about that. Then it'll become the same old pissing match we've had numerous times before.

What I think will be an even worse case scenario will be if she comes apart, and it becomes a huge emotional distress. She won't want to leave, and she won't want me to leave her. And I don't want to leave her. Then I'll have to tell her about vacation. Kaboom! She will explode.


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