Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Monday, June 05, 2006


Although I haven't written much, its not because there hasn't been alot to write about. Sara has come and gone a few more times since the last time I posted, but it's pretty much the same way as the few previous times. Except this last time. She hung up on me. Not in anger - I don't think. When we got around to the 'us' part of the conversation, she told me why she was afraid to get together to discuss a future. She told me she was afraid she'd talk me into it. Well, of course, I had to prove her wrong and told her my reasons why I felt a future together would be impossible. As I talked, she listened without saying a word. Then I heard the 'click'. Apparently she didn't like what I was saying.

Earlier in the conversation I commented to her that it would be humanly impossible for me to expend as much time and energy into her if we were actually married. I (half kiddingly) told her it was a fulltime job already and we were far from being a fulltime couple. This came as a shock to her. Which then shocked me. How could she realistically expect that? I pretty much feel like I put my life on hold when she comes around so that I can give her as much of my attention as possible. I choose to do this, and enjoy doing it. But as I mentioned, it would be unrealistic to expect that kind of attention 24/7. But I believe now that's what she wants, or requires, to be happy.

So I guess I've given her a lot to think about now. Things she probably refused to think about otherwise. Reality really can suck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah - see this perfectly illustrates the difference between an affair and other kinds of relationships. Marriages and dating can easily become fettered by real-time impediments and realities, like child care, illness, mortgages, and in laws. Affairs are like what happens in Never Never Land - magical, devoid of context, and lacking the constraints of reality. It sounds like she didn't like your reality check, though her moving away with her husband is a reality check of another sort. When are you going to call this done?

9:20 PM  
Blogger do_in_it_2 said...

So when am I going to call this done? I must admit I'm feeling a lot closer to that than ever before. But now that I've find a way to not let her absence bother me and I can enjoy these 'down' times, I'll just wait her out as usual. This time if she comes back, it it will be with some reality in place. Then maybe she'll be a lot closer to accepting what little euphoria we can still provide for each other.

6:11 AM  

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