Will She Be Back?

It's been an over SIX year affair. Not sure when it will end for good, but it restarted many times.

Location: Middle Country

I have it all. Would not have changed a thing. That is until she came into my life. Again. And again. And again. And again.........

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Please Call Me.

I got that tm yesterday. I had opened the account since her birthday was coming in a few days and I knew she would be checking in. Well, actually I had opened the account a couple weeks ago. But she never did check in during that time - but she did yesterday. From home. But she had forgotten all she needed to do to clean up, and was needing my help. lol. Unfortunately some of things I was telling her to do weren't working, and she began to panic. But eventually we got her all cleaned up.

Oh well, whatever it takes just for the opportunity to talk to her. We had a good talk - I was trying to keep it from going do the exact same road it always goes down. I was pretty successful - for awhile anyway - learning a few things she never would have told me otherwise. She tells me her sexlife is non-existant because of me - but that her emotional health is more important to her. And that's why she makes the choice to not see me anymore. At least not until I'm willing to take the next step, and that's where things got away from me. Both of us became very emotional - as I listened to her telling me how used she feels. That if I really loved her as much as I say I do, that I wouldn't think twice about taking the next step. From here it went down the same road our conversation always winds up going. But we did end up on a good note. As we always do. Helped by her children wandering into the room, making her realize exactly why we can't be together.

Unfortunately, for me anyway, since she had so much trouble cleaning up, I'm guessing she won't be checking in from home anytime soon. But I know we'll be in touch once more - it's her birthday in a couple days.